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Shipping and Delivery Policy

We want each order to reach you as quickly as possible

So that you know what to expect, we provide some general guidelines here, though the timing of delivery of your order may be slightly different to that outlined below.

Delivery methods
We currently use all Major Transport companies such as Rossfreight , Borders , TNT

Along with same day couriers services

For EXPRESS deliveries

We usually use TNT Air Bags so your parcel should arrive overnight . or as quickly as possible if you are outside the network.

Delivery charges
Delivery Charges vary from site to site , depending on product ordered, various FIS deals may be negotiated with your sales representative.

Delivery time
Delivery times usually take between 1 to 6 working days for Australian deliveries and sometimes longer for remote areas.

These delivery times relate only to business days, Monday to Friday, and exclude weekends and Australian public holidays.

As a general rule, Sydney Metro deliveries are usually 1 working day (overnight service), Canberra deliveries usually 2 working days, Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne around 2-3 working days, Perth and Darwin around 4-5 working days and rural deliveries around 6 working days.

Whilst we make every effort to deliver by the estimated timeframe, all dates specified are estimates only. We have aligned ourselves with transport partners who we believe will always do their best to deliver products by the estimated delivery date. We can’t be held liable for loss or damage resulting from late delivery but we will do our best to help you in these circumstances.

Delivery confirmation
We usually notify you of the status of your order within 24hrs (next business day), to let you know how your order is progressing, or when it has been shipped. In cases where we have run out of a particular item we will update our Website with expected ETA.

If your order is sent by courier, they will email you the delivery details including an estimated delivery timeframe and consignment number, so you can track your delivery online. It will also include any delivery instructions you have provided, eg ‘Please leave parcel behind red pot on porch’.